Astran AlwaysReady® provides an overall “readiness” indicator, calculated as the average readiness of your defined Continuity kits. Each kit’s readiness depends on two factors:
- Status (e.g., “Draft,” “Validated,” “Simulated”), and
- Freshness of associated data (whether data is up to date or not).
A kit in “Draft” with missing or outdated data will have a low readiness score, while a kit in “Validated” or “Simulated” status with current data will have a high score.
On the dashboard, you can also view the readiness per category, which is the average readiness score of all kits in that category.
Additional Metrics
- Evolution: Shows how the overall readiness score has changed relative to the current score.
- Readiness Over Time: Tracks the global readiness trend across a chosen period. You can zoom in on a specific category by clicking that category in the “Readiness by category” chart.
- Breakdown: Displays the distribution of kits by their status. Any “ready” kit has a 100% readiness score.
Kits Listing
All kits and their statuses are displayed in the dashboard’s listing. You can filter by category by clicking on a category in the “Readiness by category” chart.
In this listing, clicking a row will select that kit. You can also select multiple kits and create a related task by choosing the kits, clicking Actions, and then Create task.