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Version: 2.3.0

Astran S5 last notes

In conclusion, Astran S5 offers a secure cloud storage solution, made simple, that revolutionizes cloud-based secure object storage. By leveraging innovative technologies such as Secret Sharing, Astran guarantees the utmost confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your valuable data in a seamless and straightforward manner. With its S3 compatible API, Astran enables seamless integration, enhanced flexibility, and improved portability while significantly bolstering the confidentiality of your data. The solution eliminates the need for encryption keys and simplifies data protection, providing you with peace of mind and a robust Zero Trust security framework.

Astran's end-to-end authentication ensures the authentication and verification of entities involved in communication or transaction processes, establishing trust and maintaining the integrity of the entire communication channel. The Enterprise Connect module offers comprehensive identity and access management capabilities, including single sign-on, centralized authentication, and flexible identity federation. Astran's use of the All or Nothing Transform algorithm and threshold secret sharing ensures secure encryption and fragmentation processes without the need for clients to handle encryption keys directly, enhancing usability and security.

As a cloud-native platform, Astran embraces multicloud architecture, maximizing the advantages of cloud computing through microservices architecture, containerization, dynamic orchestration, DevOps practices, elastic scalability, resilience, and fault tolerance. Astran leverages multiple cloud providers and offers observability and monitoring capabilities for effective performance analysis.

Astran's deployment flexibility allows you to customize the threshold for secret sharing and integrate with your existing identity management system. Compliance considerations are addressed, allowing you to choose cloud providers based on geographical or national requirements. Astran offers different deployment options, including Zero Trust Server Side, End-to-End Zero Trust, and Bring Your Own Cloud, ensuring your data remains secure, compliant, and adaptable to your specific business needs.

Unlock the power of Astran to safeguard your vital data. Simplify confidential data protection, compliance and experience a seamless digital transformation.