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Version: 2.3.0

How Astran S6 solves the problem

Astran S6 solves the exact problem stated in the previous section.

Figure 1: Most important data deserves maximum careFigure 1: Most important data deserves maximum care

Astran S6 seamlessly integrates with various standard and custom objects within the Salesforce CRM, such as Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Health Cloud, Financial Cloud, and Manufacturing Cloud. By utilizing Astran S6, Salesforce administrators can easily identify specific fields and attachments in Salesforce that require careful management. Astran's plug-in takes on the responsibility of removing sensitive information and securely storing non-sensitive data in Salesforce, while confidential data is stored in Astran. The plug-in also performs data reconciliation between both sources (Salesforce and Astran), ensuring that only legitimate users have access to the appropriate information. This transparent process guarantees that no confidential data is transmitted through Salesforce servers and leverages all the benefits provided by Astran (as described in the documentation available at

Figure 2: Data provided in Experience Cloud and consumed in Service Cloud flowFigure 2: Data provided in Experience Cloud and consumed in Service Cloud flow

Astran S6 enables advanced data anonymization and masking mechanisms, allowing for the native usage of sensitive data in Flows, Process Builder, and Experience Cloud.

Figure 3: Simplify confidential data protection & compliance transparently to end-userFigure 3: Simplify confidential data protection & compliance transparently to end-user

The API-first platform facilitates integration with other Salesforce products, such as Mulesoft, Slack, and Tableau, as well as any custom application.

Configuring and deploying Astran S6 is a breeze. It can be easily deployed in just a few clicks, and it automatically updates with new features, keeping pace with the Salesforce Platform. Astran leverages Lightning App Builder and existing configuration tools, such as Data Classification in Salesforce Setup, providing administrators with a straightforward process for customizing Astran S6.

Figure 4: Simplify administration and configurationFigure 4: Simplify administration and configuration

Thanks to Astran's innovative fragmentation technology, no encryption keys need to be managed on your side. Your data is protected using the All or Nothing Transform algorithm, equivalent to AES 256, ensuring that only you can access and decrypt it. Astran S6 expands Salesforce's capabilities for handling confidential data and seamlessly integrates with Salesforce offerings. The table below provides a summary of their complementary features and offers guidance on when to utilize the plug-in and when it may not be necessary.

Figure 5: Salesforce and Astran complementarityFigure 5: Salesforce and Astran complementarity