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Version: 2.3.0

Getting started for Astran Cockpit

This guide is a "Hello World"-style tutorial which shows how to use SPLIT.cockpit. SPLIT.cockpit is a web interface that allows you to manage your data via a graphical interface to maintain your data governance. Your administrator will set your account, then you will be able to login.



After creating your password, you can now login to SPLIT.cockpit. Enter your email and password, then click on login or use your company SSO.


Reset Password

You can also reset your password if you forget it.


You have to first introduce your email address, then click on next step.


You will now receive an email with a link to update your password. Click on the link, and you will be invited to set your new password:


Once you are logged you will be redirected to the homePage which is also the governance page.


The left panel could be closed or opened by clicking the three lines behind the arrow.

In the homePage, depending if you are an Admin or a member, you can navigate with the left view (between green square brackets) between Users, Governance, Developers Space, and Support.

The center of the interface (green rounded rectangle) allows you to consult and manipulate your documents.



User Management

If you are an admin, you can consult the existing users, and create a new user by clicking on Users.


You can choose his/her Access level.


If you need to make other actions (please contact

Data governance

To see your folders and data, you have to go on governance.


You can browse the folder tree by clicking on the icon circled in green.

Upload a file or create a folder

You can create a new folder or directly import a file by clicking on new. The file coul be uploaded in the folder of your choice.


The import file allows you to directly choose a file from your computer to save it on SPLIT.

To create a folder, you need to give it a name and submit it.


Once you create some folder or import some files, you can consult them.

Manipulate your documents

Depending on the nature of the document (folder or file) various actions are possible.

You can open a folder to see what’s in it. Or you can download a file.


When you click on your file name, you can see a summary and the different versions.



Every time you upload a modified version of your file, it will create a new version. This functionality allows you to access the old ones if needed.


For the example, we uploaded two different versions of a File.


In this case we uploaded a third version of the “demo.txt” file. You can choose the version you want to download for a specific file, as shown in the following capture.



When you select a document to share you need to click on the three-point on the left and then choose share.

You can either share a file or a folder, the steps are similar.

File Sharing


Folder Sharing


It will allow you to choose the person with whom you will share and the permission (reader, editor, or manager).

Sharing privileges


Your actions on the document will depend on your permission.

  • Reader: allows you to download the document and copy the documentID. You will not be able to upload a new version. The next figure shows Reader possible actions.
  • Editor: The difference between the reader and the editor is that when you are an editor you are eligible to upload a new version of the downloaded file.
  • A Manager will have the same privilege that the owner of the document. The difference is that a manager is not able to delete a document.
